Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Will You Be Mine?

Everyone needs the offer of love and friendship.  Who can forget the cute "puppy love" valentines you received in school?  Or the homemade valentines you made with crayons, markers or water colors, construction paper, and bits of ribbon or lace?  Or the little multi-colored candy hearts with the words, “Be Mine, hug me, real love, all mine,” etc?  Maybe you purchased your valentines to share with classmates in elementary school, or mailed them off to friends. 
Photo by

Recently, when I cleaned out some dresser drawers in search of Grandma Ollie’s locket I purchased at Grandpa’s auction, I came across some Victorian valentines I bought years ago from some forgotten catalog.  I photographed them for this post: 

I also found a Victorian fan I’d forgotten I had, and photographed it as well.  Along with the fan, I found a fascinating paper on “The Language of Fans.”  Apparently, every male and female was to know the proper social language of the fan. 

As I thought about love, I decided to write a poem based on I Corinthians 13 in the Bible.

What is love?

Love is the glue
That keeps friendship from crumbling.
Love is the arm
That keeps you from stumbling.

Love is the look
That says, “It’s okay,”
When you’ve blown it so badly,
Or gone your own way.

Love is the joy
When truth wins the day,
Iniquities pardoned—
Not put on display.

Love is no joke;
It’s sincere and kind,
Not rude or proud,
But peace for the mind.

Yes, love never fails,
And our God is love.
Our cues are from Him
On the wings of a Dove.

God sent you a Valentine: Jesus!  His valentine reads, “Will you be Mine? Even before you were born, I loved you so much that I sent My Son into your world to die for your sins to restore our relationship—yours and Mine.  If you believe Me, be My valentine.  Will you?” 

Dear reader, if you accept God’s valentine offer, pray this prayer: “Jesus, I accept Your forgiveness of my sins.  I declare that You alone are Lord, and I believe in my heart that God raised You from the dead. I thank You for Your promise that anyone who calls on Your name will be saved.  Thank You for loving me; thank you for saving me, Jesus.”  (Taken from Romans 10:9-13)

If you prayed that prayer, I’d like to hear from you.  E-mail me at so I may encourage you in your new life of freedom in Jesus! 

Happy Valentine’s Day!

Copyright © 2015 Elaine Beachy

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