Wednesday, September 4, 2013

The Happy Box

In a drawer in the nightstand beside my bed, I keep a Happy Box.  Let me explain.

It’s my pretty purple box where I keep things that mean a lot to me, that make me feel happy.  So if I ever have a day when I feel down, I can take the box out of the drawer and see things that cheer and encourage me. 

My granddaughter Alissa plays a game she calls “What’s in my bag?”  She takes one thing out at a time and plops it on the table in front of her.  It’s amazing what she can stash in a Batman shoulder bag!

I’m going to play “What’s in my Happy Box” and see what I can find.  Not that I’m sad, mind you; no, I’m quite happy and feel like doing something fun.  I haven’t looked through it for a number of years.  Here goes.  Hmm…

- A card from Alissa and Nicole in August 2013 thanking Grandpa and Grandma for their birthday gifts, and a P.S. on the card from 16-year-old Alissa—You’re super cool.

- A thank-you note from granddaughter Noelle for us helping her become Little Miss People’s Choice in a beauty pageant in Front Royal.

- A number of cards and e-mails from my friends Dodie, Kathy, Sahar, Connie, Patty and my prayer partner Jane commenting on our friendship and what I mean to them

- A short but very timely letter of a year ago when I needed encouragement about my writing: “Dear Elaine, thanks for the book.  You did a marvelous job!  I don’t know if you are aware that I edit, design, proof and occasionally ghost-write books.  And I have reviewed some disastrous attempts at producing a children’s book.  You’ve done it just right.  The story line is age-appropriate.  The message is clean without being overwhelming.  I like the other “learning” bits about cows, snails, peepers, etc.  And I thoroughly enjoyed David Miles’ illustrations.  Obviously God (Who never wastes resources) put together a great team to get the message out in this excellent fashion.  Thanks again – Elsie  P.S.  This is a standing order for the next book!”

- Christmas cards from our children

- A pink paper tissue flower made and given me by granddaughter Nicole

- Two personal thank-you notes from my MD, once for the homemade butter horn rolls and once for the loaf of homemade bread I gave him and his wife

- A cassette tape with a short prophecy on it for me and my husband from Al Fury, dated 8/26/03.  It was taped just for us as Al Fury spoke a word from God over us at a meeting held by the Life Church in a hotel ballroom.  This precious, encouraging recording brought me through some extremely dark days.  Thank you, Jesus, for words of prophecy from You!

- A ½ inch darling “Tynies” jade birdie with orange feet and bill from my daughter Deb who loves tiny things.  So sweet!

- A friendly Easter card from our neighbors Mark and Christine: “It’s nice living next door to someone who likes Easter too.”

- Notes sprawled in “little girl printing” from my granddaughters; Valentines and drawings from my grandkids; they bring tears to my eyes because they convey such love and innocence.

- A small 2-inch clay white birthday cake with blue trim and pink and lavender roses; when the button is pushed underneath, it plays “Happy Birthday” several times over as six colored lights flash.  What a sweet reminder of Cheryl Meynig’s friendship before she moved to Texas.  Love it! 

- A blue-ink message written on a white restaurant napkin from my mother when we were out and about on our weekly Tuesday “Mom Day” a number of years ago.  It reads, “I’m so glad you have daddy’s beautiful blue eyes.”  Then she drew a smiley face and a happy stick figure with arms and legs dancing.  Love it!

- A 2005 thank you note from VA House of Delegates candidate Steve Chapman saying I did a fantastic job defending my Home Interior business in my request for a city permit during the public hearing at City Hall.  “It is such a shame to see more and more gov’t rules that only hurt and harass the people…Thank you for fighting; I wish you the best of luck and if there is anything I can do please let me know.  God bless you, Steve Chapman.”

- My framed baby picture by professional photographer Hillman in 1946 and given to me by my parents shortly before Daddy died

- Meaningful notes from PA friends Doyle and Ruthie Mankamyer and my sister-in-law Lola in VA, and my first cousin Miriam in PA when I was going through a dark time in my life

- A thank-you teddy bear card carefully printed by a little girl I used to babysit twenty years ago thanking me and Dave “for the Bedtime Bible and being so nice. J  Love, Courtney”

- Individual notes from our daughter and her husband Keith, January 29, 2002, thanking us for funding our family’s 3-day trip to Williamsburg—something I’d forgotten about!

- A note from my daughter Deb, June 12, 2006 reads: “…Last night before Alissa’s bedtime prayer she said she was thankful for you.  Then she prayed and thanked God for making you her grandma.  She said you’re ‘the best-est grandma in the whole wide world’…”

A note from my son Doug dated November 6, 2000 reads: “Mom, thanks so much for the great dinner and salad you made for me!  I didn’t get home from work until 11:15 tonight and I was tired and hungry.  Seeing that pasta and salad waiting for me made my day!  Thanks so much.  Love, Doug”

The last two items in my Happy Box come from our son, Darren.  This first note came via e-mail, February 27, 2008 to his dad: 

“Thank you for your love and kindness.
Thank you for always being there for me.
Thank you for being patient.
Thank you for soft words and good judgment.
Thank you for fixin what needed fixin.
Thank you for showing me a REAL man.
Thank you for your faith in God.
Thank you for never judging me.
Thank you for believing in me and for words of encouragement.
You are truly a treasure to me here on earth.
God has blessed me with an awesome father AND friend.
You are loved and cherished so very much.
I could not ask for a more wonderful father, all I want is you.
DAD, I just can’t find the words…………….
I’m so proud of you, and I’m proud to call you father.
Love,    Darren”

The following is an e-mail note Darren wrote to me the same day:

“Thank you for teaching me God’s word.
Thank you for showing me the way to salvation.
Thank you for allowing me to learn on my own, but being ready to help.
Thank you for believing in me and encouraging me.
Thank you for always lifting me before the Lord.
Thank you for your unconditional love.
Thank you for kind, soft words and patience without end.
Thank you, MOTHER, my dear sweet mother, for putting my needs and wants before yours.
If given the chance to pick from hundreds of thousands of moms,
I would pick you, HANDS DOWN, every time.
I love you oh so very, very much.
The tears running down my cheeks are tears of thankfulness.

I cried tears of happiness and joy as I read those notes and sifted through my treasures.

I’m so glad for my Happy Box!

Copyright © 2013 Elaine Beachy

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