Saturday, February 11, 2012

Disciple Maker

As I awoke early this morning, the first and last lines of this poem were in my mind.  I got out of bed and wrote them down, and just now penned in the rest.  The root of this poem comes from some comments I made in response to ongoing dialogue to someone in Japan who contacted me from one of my writer's groups on LinkedIn, asking permission to use my poem "Reunion" on her hubpages.

                Disciple Maker

Tender plant that sprang from seed,
Watched with special care
By him who sees the young one's need
And renders to him there

The love and nourishment to grow,
To flourish and to stand.
Through rains that come and winds that blow,
He lends a steady hand.

He may seem small and little-known,
This one who sees the need.
But by and by there will be shown
Good fruit for all to see.

            Elaine Beachy
            February 11, 2012

Copyright © 2012 Elaine Beachy

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