Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Let's Hear It For Marriage!

Valentine's Day has come and gone.  We all remember that important day we married our sweetheart.  That special someone to always love us, with whom we would dream, make plans, have a family, and live happily ever after.  For us wives, our betrothed was a knight in shining armor as he came to carry us away from our old life and take us to a new one.  How exciting!

Great importance is given to the ceremony itself.  From the rehearsal dinner to hair styles, manicures, bridesmaid's and groomsmen's formal attire, expensive wedding dress, flowers, photographer, reception, guest lists, food, get-away vehicle and honeymoon plans, preparation for living married is often overlooked. 

And I don't mean "preparation" as in living together before you're married, either. It distresses me to hear of even professing Christians having sex or living together outside marriage.  "Shacking up", as I call it.  Since I'm on the subject of holy matrimony, let me say that in God's eyes, marriage is only between one man and one woman.  Period.  There is far too much flagrant disregard and disrespect for God's Word among Christians these days, showing they have lost the fear of the Lord.  Those who do so are on a slippery slope of hardening their conscience to the Holy Spirit and are in danger of walking away from the Lord.  Don't do that.  Stand up for God's truth: yes, there are absolutes!

By preparation I mean talking about things.  Both husband and wife can have expectations from eath other that have not been discussed beforehand.  A few months or a year into the marriage, unmet expectations that aren't discussed as they occur begin to pile up along with a pile of resentment.  A volcano builds, fueled by anger seething just below the surface, that can suddenly erupt.

Things to discuss beforehand, for example, are:
  • Are you a born-again believer?  Don't assume; talk about your faith in Jesus Christ.
  • Which church will you attend?
  • How many children do you want?
  • Will both work outside the home, even after having children?
  • How will you spend holidays, and with which inlaws?
  • Will you share household duties?  Which ones?
  • Will you have joint banking accounts, or "his and hers"?
  • Discuss income and budget, spending habits, vacations, etc.
  • Discuss goals and dreams.
  • Will the wife take the husband's last name?
Scripture asks the question in Amos 3:3, "How can two walk together unless they're agreed?"  If your marriage needs a tune-up or even a major overhaul, there is hope and restoration in the truth of God's Word.  Prayer with humility, kindness and forgiveness go a long way toward wholeness.  May you and your sweetheart travel the same road together now and always.  It matters to God.  And to me.

Copyright © 2012 Elaine Beachy

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