Frigid temperatures
Had chilled her to the bone
When winter raged against her marriage,
As storm after storm
Swept over her raw emotions
That threatened to buckle
Under the crushing weight
Of verbal and emotional abuse.
Would the long winter never end?
Would soft, warm breezes
Ever blow again?
Would Sonlight
Break through heavy clouds
And send the softening rain?
Everywhere in nature,
A long, cold winter
Had given way
To resurrection life.
The bright, floral colors of spring
Mocked her inner pain.
Creeping Phlox indeed!
Would to God their beauty
Could creep into her heart.
Tulips opened wide their cups
To embrace the sun.
How could she ever
Open her heart
To trust again?
In the panorama
Of the great outdoors,
Delicate, lacy, mint-green leaves
Bobbed in the breeze.
Dainty buds of magenta and white,
As well as yellow daffodils
Nodded agreement
That spring had come.
A chill swept across her skin.
Could spring ever come
To her heart again?
She hugged herself
And went inside
To pray and wait.
Copyright © 2015
Elaine Beachy
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