Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Arrest That Stress!

Things have a way of quietly piling up undetected as the tyranny of the urgent crowds out those good intentions for spending quality time with the Lord first thing each morning.

A tug-of-war goes on in your mind between doing what you know you should do and tending to things you see need doing.  You think, “I’ll spend quiet time with the Lord just as soon as I finish this…”  But the quiet time never comes.  One day folds into the next, and before you know it, your mind feels like a mud-caked shoe sole bogged down with layers of the demands and pressures of each day.  Heavy layer piles upon heavy layer as you trudge on, determined to “make it” around just the next bend in the road. 

Before you know it, you are physically, mentally and emotionally tired, become irritable and lose clear focus.

That’s how I felt most of the month of June.  I pushed hard to market my books, arranged a book signing, had to work with my web design team at WestBow over some problems, wrote to numerous pastors, professional people, wrote my blog, did face book, and created a Twitter account because I was told I needed one to market my books.  My mind was stretched as I learned new things.

I also felt incredulous and disheartened as I heard a string of news reports daily about new national scandals erupting in America.  I felt a keen sense of loss for the beloved America I once knew.  I prayed about that often during the day as I worked around the house and did what I had to do.

Besides that, I wondered if I’d ever have time to work on my third book, wondered if I had what it took to make it to the “finish line” of my trilogy for children. 

In the middle of all this, a friend sent me a video link:  http://www.youtube.com/watch?NR=1&v=m2Lj0H-KHbY&list=RD02r-Yn4b9iClE&feature=endscreen  When I played it, tears ran down my face as I felt the Holy Spirit minister to me.  

And then on Sunday morning during the message, our church showed this same video!  We had a wonderful men’s series during June about finishing our spiritual race; those really helped me too as I applied what was said to my writing.     

Yesterday morning I decided to tuck myself in with God and not come out until I was ready!  (Kind of like sleeping in until you’re “slept-out.”)   My e-mails could wait, my blog could wait, Twitter could wait, Face book could wait, follow-ups could wait, marketing my books could wait, and my housework could wait.  I laid out some frozen meat to thaw for dinner and headed for my secret place.
When we built our house nine years ago, we turned a “supposed to be bedroom” into a small second “living room” with bookcases, a couch, two small chairs and a small TV.  I dubbed it my “prayer room.”  I used to spend my daily quiet time with the Lord at the kitchen table in the forenoons when Dave was at work. But since Dave is retired now and needs his space too, I decided to go into my sanctuary and close both doors. 

I began to tear up as soon as I was alone, and I got on my knees and let the tears pour out in heart-felt sobs to God.  He understands those kinds of unspeakable prayers, and I’m so glad.  I just wanted to be quiet in God’s presence, not say a word, and let Him minister to me.  The peace and relief I felt as the pressure melted off me was wonderful.  When I got up off my knees I felt renewed. 

Sometimes I think we focus on ministering to God in praise and worship, when what we really need most of all is to be tucked into His presence and let Him minister to us.

I thought of Mary and Martha in the Bible where Jesus told Martha she was worried and upset about many things, but that only one thing was needful, and Mary had chosen it—to sit at His feet, rest, and let Him minister to her.  (Luke 10:38)

Isaiah 30:15 came to mind:  “In repentance and rest is your salvation; in quietness and trust [confidence – KJV] is your strength…”  This scripture also came to mind: “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.  Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.  For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.”  (Matthew 11:28-30)

As I drank in God’s love and presence, a precious chorus from years gone by came to mind:

“Shut in with God in a secret place,
There in the Spirit beholding His face,
Gaining new power to run in the race,
I long to be shut in with God.” 
                         (Author Unknown)

Our Creator knows how to minister to us if we’ll let Him.

“Peace, peace, wonderful peace;
Coming down from the Father above:
Sweep over my spirit forever, I pray,
In fathomless billows of love.”
                          (Written by W.D. Cornell and W.G. Cooper)

Video link to hear this song:  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lZtuYAgHIvU

God bless you, dear reader!

*All Scripture is from the NIV translation unless otherwise noted

Copyright © 2013 Elaine Beachy

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