Thursday, October 27, 2011

Busy As A Bee; So Where's The Honey?

Ah yes, the tyranny of the urgent.  We are busy, busy, busy -- almost sounds like a bee buzzing around if you say it fast enough. :)  Most of the time, stress is our own fault because we don't set healthy priorities and boundaries for ourselves.  Instead of sweetness, our homes can become a hothouse for seeting resentments, frustration, alienation, boredom, and loneliness.

Especially here in Northern Virginia, we need to ask ourselves, "What is the most valuable thing in my life?"  That means sitting down and thinking.  Give heed to our ways, the Bible says.  I believe we don't do enough enough of that.  I believe we also need to learn to dream again, to let our imaginations be sanctified by the Creator of the universe.  He is full of ideas!  That's why slowing down in life is essential to our well-being.  To God's design for us.  If we constantly feel responsible for everything, try to control everything, we'll have a much harder time dreaming.  Or having fun, even, because we're peace-deficient.

    Diary of a Mad Housewife

Clean the House, scrub the floor,
Wipe those smudges off the door.
Do the laundry, take out trash,
Clean the sink, then make a dash
To the grocery store, and then
Come back home and call a friend.

"My life's so busy," you comlain;
My husband really is a pain!
My kids - they drive me up a wall -
I just don't like my life at all!
It's time for me; where's my career?
I want fulfillment -- can't you hear?

My life's a mess.  What did you say?
I gotta run - I can't delay.
I'll miss that sale at T.J. Maxx
If I don't hurry up and act!
Run, run, run, that's all I do.
Where did I put my shoes?"

                     by Elaine Beachy
                     October 27, 2011

I'd like to recommend a wonderful book by Joyce Meyer titled 100 Ways to Simplify Your Life.  It's easy to read, and each truth is formatted in 100 short daily readings.  Smart, huh?  I think you'll love it, and your life will change for the better.

Philippians 4:4-7 is a favorite Bible passage of mine.  I quote it here from the NIV translation:  "Rejoice in the Lord always.  I will say it again: Rejoice!  Let your gentleness be evident to all.  The Lord is near.  Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.  And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus."  I also meditate on verse 8:  "Finally..., whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable -- if anything is excellent or praiseworthy -- think about such things."

May your hive be full of honey -- the sweetness of peace and joy in your home where your children and husband feel valued and respected.  What you give out will come back to you; that's the law of sowing and reaping.  May you have new beginnings today!

Copyright © 2011 Elaine Beachy


  1. Loved this, and your poem! I've been really trying to do this lately, ask God what His priorities for me are and let everything else fall to the wayside! I came here because of your post on facebook :)

  2. So good to see your comment; I'm glad you liked my poem and article. Good for you -- you have the right start for a peaceful life! Maybe you want to post a comment listing some things you do to simplify your life. Thank you for writing - I appreciate it, and your comments on Facebook, too.
